Wednesday, January 16, 2008

10 weeks and 3 days - graduating day

Brandon and I had our doctor's appointment today. What a great day this is. We got to hear our baby's heartbeat, still pumping nice and strong. The baby is so active, we got to see her move, she was waving hello and tugging on the umbilical cord. She gave quite a show. She looks like a normal baby now. Today was graduating day!!! What that means is that we're transitioning to the OBGYN that will be delivering our baby! By the way... our baby's due date is scheduled for August 8th, 2008! That is 08-08-08!!!!!

Brandon and I can't wait to finally meet our little one.

Brandon took video with phone, as soon as we figure out how to post it we will share it with you all. Here are some pix, enjoy!

Here's a pic showing the baby and his/her heartbeat!!! 173 bpm and strong!!

Here's one that the Dr. labeled, showing what we're lookin' at!

Here's a shot looking between the legs!! Still too soon to tell the sex!



Funshinegal said...

Amazing!!! I'm soooo super excited for you both...Love you guys!

Unknown said... it's a girl!!!! I am so happy for you guys. This is definitely one baby shower I'll have to fly home for!!!!! Take Care.